Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin Carving!

Brian & I don't have kids yet mainly because we are still kids ourselves.... but that doesn't mean that we can't still have some Halloween fun! Brian's birthday is Halloween so it is always a good time. We have been super excited this year because we knew that it fell on a weekend and on UT weekend at that. We have a lot of friends coming into town so we will be hosting a Halloween party Friday night. I would tell you our costumes, but sadly, we are nerds and like it to be a surprise at the party. We seem to be notorious for always having a hilarious costume. I love to craft and like handmade things so our costumes are usually one of a kind. I will post the best from the years past and this year's costume later this week. Tonight was pumpkin carving. Brian was like a little kid, I think he finished his a good 30 minutes ahead of mine and then I pouted enough until he finished mine. I used the time to start "decorating" (that was my excuse anyway) and managed to hang one spiderweb on the fireplace. You know you have a good hubby when he will carve a pumpkin for you. After we were finished he immediately left to United to buy 2 more pumpkins. I convinced him to wait until later this week to start on his new creations. I hope you are enjoying the fall weather as much as we are & I will have much more to post soon!

My handsome Hub

The 2 he rushed out to was cute. I hope he doesn't read this, he'll kill me!

My Pumpkin... an homage to TTU Red Raiders....Wreck 'em!

Brian's Pumpkin

My Hubby doing laundry while I blog & take pics....whatta guy

Mr. Opie Sanchez....he's kind of an emotional dog...wouldn't look at the camera

Miss Mia, I had to hold a treat under the camera for this one...