Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A little late....

THE WEDDING!! It was so much fun and as everyone says it went by SO FAST! I think that the ceremony turned out even better than I could have hoped for. The musician we hired was amazing! We hadn't heard him sing before the day (crazy, I know) so when he started I was very impressed! The only set back was during the unity candle he was supposed to sing a song called "this I promise you" by Ronan Keating (it's awesome! check it out... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Om5QiTX47QI ) that we had sent him the link of, well, I guess there was a small miscommunication and he played "this I promise you" by Nsync! Most of you who know us know that we aren't exactly boy band people, but he pulled it off. Dustin, Ally & Kristin all read at the wedding like pros and we couldn't ask for 3 better examples to read. The reception was fun, just a little stressful. I am a control freak and it was too hot, too many lights were on, the martinis were hot and there wasn't enough room to dance.... but toward the end of the night none of that mattered and we had such a great time! My dress is destroyed, hopefully when they heirloom it, it can be restored. Our friends and families all made the night so much fun & I hope everyone had a good time. I don't think that I have ever been as exhausted as I was at the end of that night. I honestly don't have that many pictures from the night but I will put a few of what I have on here!! I need to gather up more pictures that aren't the professional ones then I will post more!Thanks again to everyone for everything! We truly are blessed!

1 comment:

Dustin and Allyson Wall said...

The wedding was SO much fun!! We LOVED the reception...not too stressfull at all for us b/c we had a blast! We need to hang out with ya'll soon.